It is so exciting to be in contact with so many new members of the 2nd Wives and Partners Club! Since South Carolina Alimony Reform has become more visible to the public through billboards, articles in The State Newspaper, radio ads, and interviews by Fox News in Greenville and WISTV in Columbia, the word is getting out. You and your partner do not have to suffer under the burden of permanent alimony alone. And, the laws can be changed!
We have had several fruitful meetings with senators and representatives in the last few weeks, explaining the impact of the antiquated alimony laws on South Carolina families today. Very few people are aware that permanent alimony is the most common form of alimony awarded in this state, often even when the marriage lasted less than ten years and the individuals have a lifetime ahead of them. The lawmakers we approached agree that it is time to take a look at the old laws on the books in the context of the modern economy.
So many have asked me--what can I do? There are several things:
1) Write your the legislators (senator and representative) from your district a letter or email, explaining how the laws are hurting you and your family and how you would like to see the law changed. Ask them for their help and support on this matter. Specifically, South Carolina Alimony Reform has proposed a bill, filed by Jerry Govan, calling for the formation of a task force to revise the old laws. Ask your legislators to support this bill.
2) Write your local paper. An editorial or opinion piece lets the public know what the current law is (most people don't believe you when you say permanent means forever) and how you would like to see it changed. This will let others in the same boat know they are not alone.
3) Comment on this blog--let your story speak for itself. Let your voice be heard.
We can get the laws changed in this state. The 2nd Wives have been instrumental in other states, helping the public to see that both women and men are negatively impacted by old laws that no longer reflect the economic reality of modern families.
Welcome new members! We know the laws can be changed, because it has been done in other states, and Florida and New Jersey are in the midst of reform initiatives as well. There is a real sense of momentum. Thank you for your support!